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Welcome (3:43)
Introduction (4:16)
Download 30 Day Workbook and Journal
Week 1: Manage Your Mindset
Section 1 Introduction: 3 Things to Purge (2:17)
Past Disappointments (8:03)
Limited Beliefs (5:32)
Fatal Flaws (3:40)
Summary (2:08)
Section 2 Introduction: 3 Essentials to Keep (2:10)
Your Faith (8:14)
Your Story (3:10)
Your Purpose (6:40)
Summary and Next Steps (3:33)
Week 2: Overcome Complacency
Introduction (3:06)
What to Expect (4:18)
Practice Mindfulness (3:28)
Organize and Prioritize (11:31)
Practice Self Care (8:47)
Summary and Next Steps (1:07)
Week 3: Validate Your Goals
Welcome (2:02)
What to Expect (3:18)
Validate Your Goals (5:02)
Assess Your Goals - Your buckets (6:02)
Assess Your Goals - Fill your buckets (3:44)
Write It Down (4:26)
Create Your Village (1:17)
Summary and Takeaways (2:24)
Week 4: Establish Healthy Habits
Welcome (0:24)
What to Expect (2:48)
Create a Routine (5:32)
Create a Check Point (2:13)
Hit Reset- If needed (2:03)
Summary and Next Steps (3:29)
Organize and Prioritize
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